Junk Yard Dog

PHOTO PROMPT © Nathan Sowers

Who are these humans milling about My Lady’s yard? And why are they touching her things?

Someone picks up my favorite treasure—My Lady’s mirror! The one that once hung in her hallway, where every morning, she’d lean in to put lipstick on before leashing me for our walk. What lipstick had to do with walking, I’ll never know. But I loved our walks. And My Lady. And her mirror.

I growl at the human studying it with smelly hands.

“Harold! Stop!” The Daughter snaps my nose—the very spot where My Lady’s red lips once kissed me.

98 Words


Friday Fictioneers is a compilation of writers from around the world who gather online weekly, guided by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The challenge? To write a story in 100 words or less based on a new photo prompt.

To read more stories in an online flash fiction anthology by Friday Fictioneer authors, click:

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33 Responses to Junk Yard Dog

  1. StuHN says:

    One needs lipstick before one walks the dog. It’s a well-known fact. Only children are excused. Poor lady. Poor Harold. He has no clue about death. Enjoyed, as usual, Jan.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Jan,

    My heart aches for Harold. No one loves so unconditionally as a dog. Well done.



    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the affection dogs have for their friends. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Iain Kelly says:

    I guess dogs must be confused when owners disappear like that. Poor Harold.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dale says:

    Awww. That was wonderful, Jan. Poor Harold. How could he ever understand?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. prior.. says:

    awe – woof –
    and I liked the many uses of “My lady” because it has stuck with me a bit

    Liked by 1 person

  7. neilmacdon says:

    The My Lady refrain made me think of tales of chivalry

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Aw this was so sweet and heart-wrenching! That last line makes me feel for Harald, being treated so differently from his Lady.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. granonine says:

    Unique, and effective. The dog’s point of view was perfect for your story.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. So much love there, and heartache. Unique perspective.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lynn Love says:

    Poor Harold! As lost and neglected now as that mirror. Well told Jan


  12. Priya says:

    I could totally picture this. Nicely written.


  13. Jelli says:

    A doggy’s grief… so very sad. One often wonders what they see, hear, love.


  14. jillyfunnell says:

    I fear for Harold and his future. Excellently told, Jan.


  15. Poor Harold, my lipstick is my wellies, Benny knows that!


  16. lisarey1990 says:

    Aw, my heart is broke for Harold!


  17. subroto says:

    Aww, poor Harold, he ain’t nothing but a hound dog.


  18. 4963andypop says:

    Poor dog! They do mourn for those who are gone. And how perplexing it must be, to go from a human who understands and loves you, to one who bops you on the nose. As if humans weren’t perplexing enough already (love the lipstick comment!)


  19. A wonderful story from the view of an innocent dog who could never understand the loss. Very well-done!


  20. James McEwan says:

    A lovely story about a dog that outlives her Lady, remembers the daily rituals and feels anger at the intrusion and loss.


  21. Oh the faithful dog… how can you bring him to understand without loving him…


  22. This new human needs better training.


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