Monday Mashup: 8/20/12

A creative combination
or mixing of content
from different sources.


This morning I’m meeting with my publisher, the University of Arkansas Press, to catch up on goings-on and talk about the status of The Red Kimono. I have to admit, this being my debut novel, there is still quite a thrill just to say “my publisher.” 🙂

In the mean time, here’s the mashup for the week.

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In the New York Times article, “Act Like a Writer,” actor/writer, Molly Ringwald discusses the similarities between acting and writing. I was particularly interested in how she developed her character from “The Breakfast Club,” Claire:

“What I do recall was imagining my character Claire’s unhappy home life. There were hints to it in the script that John Hughes had written — “It’s like any minute … divorce” — but no explanation was given as to why the parents were divorcing. I envisaged the fights (an overly “social” drinking mother, an emotionally crippled and withdrawn father) that Claire endured along with her older brother (I gave her an older brother whose existence never made it into the film).”

Her comment reminded me of how I interview my characters. It’s surprising what you can learn by having a “conversation” with them. (See my blog post, “Happy Hour with Nobu.”)

How do you get to know your characters better?

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Ever since first learning about NaNoWriMo approximately five years ago, I’ve wanted to give it a try. This is the first year I haven’t been focused on writing or editing The Red Kimono, so I’m seriously considering it.  On the blog, “Publish Your Own Ebooks,” Gary McLaren gives us “11 Ways to Prepare for NaNoWriMo.” What I like about the program is that the habit of writing that will be reinforced, even if I don’t manage to finish a book.

No doubt, it will be a challenge, as I’ll also be continuing my “half-marathon training regimen” for the Dallas Marathon on December 9.

Can she do it? Stay tuned!

Will you be NaNoWriMo-ing? If so, let’s be buddies!

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On her blog, “The Creative Penn,” Joanna Penn provides an excellent and entertaining list of social media marketing tips in her article, “How To Sell Books With Social Media.” According to Ms. Penn:

“The first job of an author is to write great books, but these days, the second job is to market them, especially as a new author with no backlist.”

Her social network diagram, as well as her list, reinforces that social media marketing is about establishing relationships, not about “BUY MY BOOK! BUY MY BOOK!.”

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“To believe in your choice
you don’t need to prove that
other people’s choices are wrong.”
                                                ~ Paulo Coelho 

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7 Responses to Monday Mashup: 8/20/12

  1. Has anyone read her novel? Molly Ringwald (2012). “When It Happens to You: A Novel in Stories.” Ms. Ringwald has the rare luxury of name recognition that gets her a publisher and (hopefully) readers.


  2. I’m a very visual person, and one thing I have to know when I write about characters is excatly what they look like. Sometimes, I give them the appearance of a well-known personality, sometimes I assign attributes of someone I know (with a few changes!), and sometimes I peruse magazines until I find a picture of them. It seems once I know what they look like, I can –as you say–have a conversation with them, get to know them better. I even do this when I’m reading. I have to assign a specific face to the characters in order to relate to them.


  3. Russell says:

    I considered having a conversation with Rachel Crofton, but knew she’d never let me get a word in edge-wise.


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