Monday Morning Mashup – 3/26/12

creative combination
or mixing of content
from different sources.
I spent the better part of this week transferring my blog from Blogger to WordPress. The remainder of the week was spent trying to figure out how to get my “followers” to follow me over to WordPress. Needless to say, I have not added much to my work-in-progress. But, I do have a new writer space now. (Click here to see a picture!)  Don’t you love all the ideas we writers have to inspire us to WRITE? A wise soul told me once, “Just sit your butt down and write!”
Hmmm . . . if I remembered who that was, and if he had a link, I’d put it in my mashup this week.

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Jane Friedman‘s blog had a guest appearance by Ken Brosky. His article, “How to Get Media Coverage” is a concise post on how to avoid making the same mistakes he made in his attempts to promote his work. Best of all, he provides a links to excellent resources.

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I love posts on goals. It inspires me to set goals. Kristi Helvig, YA Writer, posted a great article, “How to Attain Your Writing Goals” on her blog. What I liked about her list, and what set it apart from many others, is that she lists the “typical” wording of some of our goals, then suggests a “better” wording.

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Do you know the difference between proofreading and copyediting? An article on the Daily Writing Tips blog, “The Difference Between Copyediting and Proofreading” explains the difference, as well as discussing the importance of each.
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It is good to have an end
to journey toward;
but it is the journey
that matters,
in the end.
                                         ~ Ursala K. LeGuin
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8 Responses to Monday Morning Mashup – 3/26/12

  1. Madison Woods says:

    Love your new blog home! Good links again this week 🙂 I saw the one from Christi Helvig posted on Twitter and meant to read it but hadn’t yet. So with your reminder I’ll try to get by there today.

    I hope you don’t lose any of your followers, but I think you’ll love WP once you’ve started digging into all it can do for you.


    • janmorrill says:

      Thanks, Madison. I’ll admit to a bit of frustration, trying to learn something new, but I’m managing to work through it. I know I’ll eventually get my followers back, and if not, I guess I’m not doing something right. 🙂


  2. Beth Carter says:

    Great links. Can’t wait to read them while sipping coffee on the deck at the lake. I must have a writers’ retreat here this summer but I digress.

    Thanks for taking the time each week to find these great links. Now, to read them.

    And, dumb question, but how do I follow you on here? I see where to click for email and Twitter updates but not the actual WP blog. 😦


    • janmorrill says:

      Not a dumb question! If you click on the “Follow Blog via Email” button, you’ll start getting my updates by email. I still need to set this blog up on Networked Blogs on Facebook. Maybe that’s what you’re not seeing that used to be on my Blogger blog. (I don’t think WordPress has its own “follow” button.)


  3. Russell says:

    I don’t think you have to worry about your followers, we’re not far behind and will catch up soon. I think this quote fits you.

    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams


  4. Beth Carter says:

    What Russell said and quoted! 🙂


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