“Reaching” #FridayFictioneers #FlashFiction

I’m not sure how many times I’ve said this, but I thought this week’s photo prompt by Madison Woods was her most challenging yet. Often, when I’m too challenged to write a story, I’ll write haiku instead, which is what I did this week. And often, my haiku is a metaphor for life.

If you’d like to read other flash fiction tales about the photo, click here. As always, feel free to leave links to your blogs with your comments!


Barren branches reach
toward heaven each winter
waiting for rebirth.
This entry was posted in fictioneers, Flash Fiction, Haiku, heaven, Madison Woods. Bookmark the permalink.

41 Responses to “Reaching” #FridayFictioneers #FlashFiction

  1. Irene says:

    Short and sweet.
    Here is my contribution to the Friday Fictioneers prompt. Its my first time. 🙂
    Wish you a nice weekend. Cheers!


  2. Russell says:

    “Reach toward heaven . . . waiting for rebirth” That has a spiritual ring, very appropriate for the Easter season.

    mine's at http://russellgayer.blogspot.com/


  3. Beth says:

    Perfect haiku for this prompt. Love it! Really beautiful.

    You're right–you often say each prompt is the most challenging (lol), but I think this is the hardest yet. Yowza. Off to the dermatologist and will think on this one…


  4. Keli says:

    Nice. Love the theme, too. One of my favorites.

    I've been working on haiku this week, and visited your haiku blog for some inspiration. (I don't belive I've written one before….) Ironic that you should choose to post one here this week. Question: how tightly do you, personally, adhere to theme and structure (other than syllables) when you write haiku?


  5. Jan Morrill says:

    Thank you, Sandra. Sometimes a haiku comes to me so much more easily than a story. Strange, but true. 🙂


  6. Jan Morrill says:

    Thank you, Irene! I'm working my way to everyone's flash fiction. Hope you have a good weekend, too!


  7. BlueFury says:

    Short and sweet, but so full of life…so to speak.
    Great haiku.


  8. Shirley says:

    Everyone who knows me, knows I'm not big on poetry. But you and Beth may convince me yet. I “felt” this one.

    Mine's at http://shirleymccann.blogspot.com/2012/03/flash-friday-evil-awaits.html


  9. Susan Wenzel says:

    Ahhh…a bit of haiku, akin to a curl of pickled ginger on the corner of my sushi plate, to cleanse my palate between heavier pieces….just what I needed! Thank you, Jan.

    ~Susan (here's mine: http://www.susanwenzel.com/)


  10. See.Williams says:

    Succinct and compelling. Something tells me to add another haiku to this…i'd be back later. Great piece!


  11. Keli says:

    Love the pickled ginger comparison.


  12. Madison Woods says:

    I always love your Haiku Jan, I think partly because I find it so incredibly difficult a form.


  13. Jan Morrill says:

    Thank you, Russell. Loved yours, as usual. 🙂


  14. Jan Morrill says:

    I know, Beth. You caught me. But Madison's photo prompts always challenge my creativity muscle. 🙂


  15. Jan Morrill says:

    Keli, I do try to stick with the “rules” of writing haiku. Sometimes I have had to use fewer than the 5-7-5 syllyables, but I don't think I ever go over. Also, I try to make them all have something to do with nature. Recently, I learned that a “haiku” about human nature is called a “senryu.” Let me know how you like writing them!


  16. Jan Morrill says:

    Thanks, BlueFury. I like haiku because it's short and sweet. 🙂


  17. Jan Morrill says:

    Beth and I will have to work harder to move you to the “haiku side,” Shirley. My heart is still pounding with the tension in your story. 🙂


  18. Beth says:

    Keli, I wrote several haiku yesterday with an ocean theme following our vacation. Please check them out at http://banterwithbeth.blogspot.com

    Jan writes beautiful haiku. I love writing it as well.


  19. Jan Morrill says:

    I love pickled ginger, so thank you, Susan. Enjoyed your excerpt — good luck on completion and queries!


  20. Jan Morrill says:

    I'm looking forward to your haiku, Charles!


  21. Jan Morrill says:

    Thank you! I enjoyed your Beezel story, too!


  22. Jan Morrill says:

    Thanks, Siobhan. I enjoyed yours, too – especially “chuckling water.”


  23. Jan Morrill says:

    Thanks, Madison. Like I said, sometimes I find haiku easier than a full-blown story. I do think it becomes easier the more I do it. Give it a try!


  24. susielindau says:

    Hey welcome to WordPress! I love your haiku!


  25. janmorrill says:

    Sorry the comments and replies are all scattered. This post and comments was transferred from Blogger, and there were a few quirks in the process apparently!


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