#FlashFriday #Fictioneers: Anticipation

Sorry to be late this week. I’m in Dallas taking care of my son after his shoulder surgery. But when I saw this week’s photo prompt by Madison Woods, it elicted a yummy, tingling taste in my mouth, and I had to take the opportunity to write about it.

This week, I’ve written a tanka, which is like a haiku, but its syllable structure is 5-7-5-7-7.

Click here to read other great flash fiction!

Fragile, white petals,

circle the first whisper of


Fruit plumps and ripens to red.

Tangy, sweet bursts on my tongue!

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45 Responses to #FlashFriday #Fictioneers: Anticipation

  1. janmorrill says:

    Reblogged this on Life: Haiku by Haiku and commented:

    A tanka based on Madison Woods’ photo prompt.


  2. Beautiful and apt tanka. Kudos! Wishign your son speedy recovery and good rest. Mine is here and linked: http://readinpleasure.wordpress.com/2012/06/29/fridayfictioneers-seduction


  3. rgayer55 says:

    You’re good at these short poems. I wish I knew more about poetry forms.

    Once again, I ventured into the land of silliness


  4. Nifti says:

    Well done Jan. It’s very Happy! I’m currently 11 on the list.


  5. unspywriter says:

    This is why I love haiku and tanka. Wonderful job.

    Here’s mine: http://unexpectedpaths.com/friday-fictioneers/may-the-punishment-fit/


  6. My husband and I went for a walk late night and eagerly eyed the seemingly millions of white blossoms of the brambleberries. Well written poem of EXACTLY what I was looking at last night! I couldn’t have put it better myself…

    ~Susan (www.susanwenzel.com)


  7. I love your third line – it’s surprising and amusing that it only needed one word. And such a good word – “anticipation” seems to draw itself out tantalizingly as you say it, just like waiting for something wonderful!

    My story – http://newpillowbook.wordpress.com/2012/06/29/friday-fictioneers-summer-love/


  8. Either I’ve been reading too much Shakespeare or there’s a double meaning in this — either way, I’m walking away hungry… and hungry!


  9. Brian Benoit says:

    Great introduction to a tanka for me! Ha, and like Kathy I’m not sure if it’s just me or if there’s really a double meaning here, but either way it’s effective.


  10. So the event is tasting the berries and the temporariness of the berries replaces the love/romantic aspect of the tanka. It’s an original idea! The whole could be a reference to humans, anyway. Very clever! My story’s on the list.


  11. You hit the nail on the head. My feelings as I walk my berry patch in the morning sun to pluck the ripened berries. Yumm


  12. Stacey says:

    LOVED it. May have to try one next week. Sweet!


  13. Sweet images
    Clear, vivid a brief read
    Wonderful Tanka
    Nah I didn’t count syllables…just being sylli, The praise is genuine though. Are you familiar with Polly Swafford, Jan? She writes beautiful haiku, too.
    Mine is here: http://www.rochelle-wisoff.blogspot.com/2012/06/forgiveness.html


  14. Sandra says:

    Beautifully and economically written – loved it.


  15. Hi Jan,
    Beautiful words that flow trippingly as per usual. We used some of the same exact wording. Hope your son recovers quickly. My story is here: http://bridgesareforburning.wordpress.com/


  16. This poem even feels light and tasty πŸ™‚ Hope your son is recovering well and you are enjoying your visit!


  17. Pingback: #FridayFictioneers #FlashFriday No. 20 « Random Inspiration

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