#FridayFictioneers #FlashFiction: Climbing

I’ve been “away” for the last few weeks and have all kinds of excuses that I won’t bore you with. The important thing is, I’m glad to be back with Madison Woods and the rest of the Fictioneers. I’ve missed being inspired by the great photo prompts, like the one this week by Sandra Crook.

I love this photo, but have to admit I had a hard time trying to think of what to write. That is, until this morning, when I heard the story of Whitney Kropp, yet another teen who suffered from being bullied. Here’s her story.

I suppose we all have stories of being bullied in the past. I can remember a few instances when I was teased, even a few instances where I teased. But some of the stories I hear on bullying today are so much more painful — it seems people have gotten even more cruel. We need to stand up against it.

So, I wrote this poem.

Shall I keep climbing?
So much easier to
throw myself
over the edge.
I’m tired of
trying to fit in.
of being teased.
On and on and on.
I need to rest
but can’t escape
what chases me in my head.
Someone approaches.
Please. Leave-me-alone.
Let me rest.

But this one smiles, extends a hand.
“You’re not alone.”
I stand, breathe deep and
we begin our climb


To read more flash fiction by the Friday Fictioneers, click here.

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44 Responses to #FridayFictioneers #FlashFiction: Climbing

  1. Sandra says:

    Good one, I just wish everyone who is being bullied could experience this feeling of support.


  2. What a moving poem. So very well done. I read the story and I think Whitney is a beautiful and brave girl. Thank you.


  3. Hi Jan,
    I was especially interested about what you would write about this photo, and you didn’t disappoint. And I was glad to have a happy ending. Thanks for reading and commenting on my story. Ron


  4. So much feeling and pain, and then relief. Glad she found a friend at the end. And glad to see you’re back 🙂


  5. EmmaMc says:

    Lovely take on the picture and poignant. So glad she found her support and happy ending.


  6. Russell says:

    I can see a smile of relief at the end. Nicely done, Jan.


  7. unspywriter says:

    I think many will read themselves in this and get some relief knowing that people do extend a hand. Very wonderful poem.

    Here’s mine: http://unexpectedpaths.com/friday-fictioneers/dukkha/


  8. John Hardy Bell says:

    Very very moving, Jan.


  9. kdmccrite2 says:

    This is very sweet and evocative. Well don, Jan.


  10. Welcome back. A grand return. I’m so glad a caring person showed up. I think there are more people like this than people think but peer pressure can be so strong that many of them never step up.


  11. vb holmes says:

    “I need to rest
    but can’t escape
    what chases me in my head” Very perceptive. I suspect this is what pushes so many over the edge


  12. Full of emotion. Glad this one had a happy ending. Thanks for commenting on mine, Jan. I’ll check out the link soon.


  13. Here, here! Timely and very well done. Left me with a pleasant shiver.


  14. Very nice take! I think this photo is inspiring and can bring out the positive.


  15. truthsbyruth says:

    Nice one, Jan
    .Isn’t amazing what just one friend can do? Together they climbed. Wonderful.


  16. Paul says:

    Beautiful take on this prompt. A bit personal, too as our granddaughter was the victim of bullying all last year. Like you, I was absolutely stumped by this photo prompt. Unlike you, I just gave up. m
    Maybe I’ll try something later.


  17. rich says:

    a partner is a damn good thing.


  18. Hooray for poetry! This was wonderful. 🙂 I’ve felt like that in the past.

    here’s mine:



    • Jan Morrill says:

      Thank you, Sarah. I think we’ve all been through it at some point. I do have to say, I’m glad I didn’t go through it in the age of the Internet. It seems so much crueler now, probably because the bullies don’t have to look the victims in the eye. Very sad.


  19. People who write poetry amaze me. Never had the knack. But so beautiful. http://shirleymccann.blogspot.com/2012/09/friday-fictioneers-captured.html


  20. Pingback: Flash Fiction: Her Last Wish by Guy Hogan « Pittsburgh Flash Fiction Gazette

  21. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Jan,

    Welcome back and thank you for sharing your poem with us all. It is a reminder to work to earn the high opinion we all hold of ourselves.




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