#FlashFriday #Fictioneers: The Damsel Fly Dance

The photo prompt for this week’s Fictioneers has always been one of my favorites of Madison Woods. It seems appropriate to use as the debut photo on her new website, www.Madison-Woods.com, as it was the banner on the blog where Friday Fictioneers was born.

Her new website is beautiful. Click here to visit and read other flash fiction based on this photo.

I look forward to reading your comments and/or critique. Feel free to leave links to your websites or blogs!

Damsel fly dances

and skips on the water’s edge,

flirting with demise.

Click here for easy links to other stories:

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50 Responses to #FlashFriday #Fictioneers: The Damsel Fly Dance

  1. janmorrill says:

    Reblogged this on Life: Haiku by Haiku and commented:

    Madison Woods’ photo for Friday Fictioneers prompted this haiku.


  2. Nifti says:

    Ah yes, I like. “Flirting with demise”… 🙂 Although doom looms, it still sounds very sweet 🙂
    Thanks for reviewing mine: http://niftitalks.com/2012/06/22/fly/


  3. erinleary says:

    Nicely done, capturing the spirit of the photo perfectly.

    Mine is here: http://erinleary.wordpress.com/2012/06/22/flash-friday-fiction-6/#entry


  4. Cute and to the point…Well done!
    Find me here:

    Farmer’s Sons—FridayFictioneers


  5. A beautiful and apt haiku, and a good take on the prompt. Mine is here and linked too: http://readinpleasure.wordpress.com/2012/06/21/fridayfictioneers-the-omen/


  6. Beth Carter says:

    A fun and daring damsel fly, indeed. Loved this. I hope to get back to the FF next week. Writer’s conference starting this afternoon with a booksigning and the ORA conference is all day tomorow. Many talented authors will be there as well as big-time agents. Details at http://banterwithbeth.blogspot.com


  7. rgayer55 says:

    I would have probably said disaster instead of demise (even though it’s sounds very cliche’). When I first saw the prompt all I could think of was ‘damsel in distress’ In both our stories the damsel appears to enjoy flirting with trouble 🙂



  8. Hi Jan,
    Nice haiku, the sonic associations are beautiful. Congrats on The Red Kimono being published by the U of A press. My story is here: http://bridgesareforburning.wordpress.com/


  9. Damn fine haiku, loved that last line.


  10. VSichalwe says:

    This is really beautifully writen, so short but so sweet and deep. Thank you



  11. keliwright says:

    Perfect prompt for a haiku, and yours is beautiful as usual. The interplay of the last line with the first two changes the meaning of the entire poem. I love it when something at the end of a piece makes me reread and rethink the whole experience. (It’s late–did that make sense?)


  12. Parul says:

    Flirting with demise… Don’t think that’s limited to only damselflies… 🙂
    Good haiku! I wish I could write them too! Have never tried, would love to someday! 🙂


    Always Close


  13. Lora Mitchell says:

    Short and sweet haiku. Exactly 12 words out of 100. I’m #2 on the list.


  14. rochellewisoff says:

    I love haiku. Beautiful and to the point.
    I’m on the list but here’s the link anyway.


  15. Beautifully done. It flows naturally. I like haiku to do that. My story’s on the list.


  16. Mike says:

    A lovely Haiku Jan. Especially liked the image behind fFlirting with demise’


  17. Mike says:

    A lovely Haiku Jan. Especially liked the image behind flirting with demise’


  18. rich says:

    you might consider changing the second line from “and skips” to “skipping.”

    reason being that the next line has “flirting,” a different form from the present “skips.” you need to keep the verbs parallel.


  19. kbnelson says:

    Lovely – sounds like a candidate for Reason2Rhyme, though! hehe
    My favorite is the last line, “flirting with demise”. Well done!


  20. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Jan,

    Lovely Haiku. They are so much more difficult to write than to read. Thanks for doing the hard part.





  21. Linda says:

    Very simple as haiku always is and a complete story in itself – it puts me in mind of the ‘baby’s shoes, for sale, never worn’ ……. really nicely done and you’ve made me challenge myself into the bargain 🙂 Here’s mine for others: http://womanontheedgeofreality.com/2012/06/22/friday-fictioneers-gramps-and-me/


  22. Your Haiku(s) – what is the plural of that? – are always beautiful and often more meaning than on the initial superficial layer. This one is like that, too. Loved it.


  23. JKBradley says:

    I think you got this just right. Well done.

    FLASH FICTION FRIDAY ~Shearing Placid~


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